I've gotten into this little thing called writing just a few years ago. It started with penning what I guess could be considered poems, but I like to consider them lyrics to songs. Unfortunately my musical talent is pretty much non-existent so putting the tune I have in my head for the words I've put to "paper" is not happening any time soon. Perhaps one day though.
Growing up I wanted to be a comic book artist, Marvel-ing (pun intended) at the works of Marc Silvestri, Jim Lee, Rob Liefeld, Todd McFarlane, Whilce Portacio, Neal Adams, and the list goes on. That's where the first inspiration for my characters came from. Drawing them.
Skip ahead to 2016, on a ten hour road trip from the east coast to the middle of the country to visit family. In a discussion with my wife, as we were talking about bucket list items, the fact that I wanted to write a book someday came up. She asked what was stopping me. I didn't have a good answer, and thus began this journey!!!!
Continuing to write "lyrics" and by writing short stories for Reedsy Prompts (more to follow on that one!) I'm trying to learn and get better at something I've discovered I really like doing. Between my main novels of the Dogs of Warr series, along with the novellas for Skull and Crossbownes, I've got a compendium I call Spool's Shorts that's getting populated. I also have a couple other ideas for paranormal (no vampires....yet, LOL!) and science fiction books.
I'd love to make writing a full time gig, but until then, I'll be keeping my day job!